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4                                     July 21, 1973
Minnie Evans -Son George

and give her Holy Communion.

NHS. Oh. Good.

M.E. Every 4th Sunday they come and give her Holy Communion.

NHS. Oh, that's marvelous.

M.E. She looks forward for that.

NHS. How many come? How many people?

M.E. Oh! it's according to how many the  officers you know and some of x the other members of the church. Sometime she has a lot of them about 10 or 12 or something other like they [[strikethrough]] that would come [[strikethrough]]come and sing songs and pray and they give her Holy Communion then [[strikethrough]] and [[strikethrough]] when I home [[strikethrough]] moved [[strikethrough]] back with her I take Holy Communion with her or something like that.

NHS. That's nice

M.E. Oh, yes. So she's llooking forward to it for tomorrow.So I'm telling you Miss Starr it's getting so bad [[strikethrough]] You're always in my [[strikethrough]] here in Wilmington here last week it was, what date? I didn't  know any of them but George knowed and Gary he knows one or two of the man. A woman came to another woman's house with of [[?]] cup of lye and throwed it in this woman's face.

NHS. No, Minnie

M.E. And ruin [[?]] her face and [[strikethrough]] in her eyes. I don't know how they understand or what it was but anyhow when her husband came home or her son he xxxx went to this woman's house, shot her and her son another one in the family, killed two of them and one of them and one of them is wounded and in the hospital and the one where they threw lye in the face she's in a critical condition with her face. But he ra n away and got away day before yesterday, Gany [strikethrough]] a girl [[strikethrough]] told me. When he shot them he run but they got him. And three weeks ago, not far from here [[strikethrough]] my son [[strikethrough]] George live [[strikethrough]] and them, [[strikethrough]] man was standing on the corner, a young man when two of them came up there with a - and was talking with this man - and seem like this young boy beat this boy's sister up and he shot him standing on the corner not far from where George xxxx live and went away. But even on they got him. They got him in Washington cause they had him in the news and had him on the TV in the news and showed where they caught him in Washington. They go do those things and then run. If they got nerve enough to do anything they ought to stand still. What they fo run from. They know the law going to get them. But tell you the devil will tell you don't do it. Don't take it. Oh'. no I wouldn't take that. He gonna keep right on and tell you to go ahead I don't believe xxxxxxdnow I would take it and then after you have done something, done the crime then he going to leave you and going to try to get somebody else. (laughter) He will, he'll leave you . He done got you in to that trouble then he going to get somebody else. Oh, it's terrible times. I be so worried about my neighbors that's so sick.

ending VI

Transcription Notes:
Unsure what to do with the blue note saying "Violence" with the indent symbol on the right side of the page