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Tape [[crossed out]] WII [[/crossed out]] WI
MINNIE EVANS 5. 3-5-71

M.E. I can't go today. I got something to do. I wouldn't have nothing to do that kept me away from my church but God talked to me you know and I had some dreams, dreams, I have dreamed that the whole element [[crossed out]] was [[/crossed out]] and as far as I could see was put together with paintings.

C.W. I see yes

M.E. Just [[crossed out]] framing [[/crossed out]] painting together the whole earth everything with nothing but paintings.

C.W. You know your paintings are like that anyway. As if they are trying to get all of the world in to them. Everything. The animals, the trees, the flowers and the human faces are all intertwined and it is all one part of [[crossed out]] a [[/crossed out]] one world picture (M.E. That's right) It's really like that. It's like an Indian Mandala.

M.E. I [[crossed out]] was [[/crossed out]] sit out [[crossed out]] there [[/crossed out]] in the yard one night after I woke up one day and the whole earth would turn to like a blue, green and yellow and looks like eciplse of the sun and I stand out in the yard and look and said Lord [[crossed out]] do [[/crossed out]] I have I got all of this to do ? All around it's stuck all [[crossed out]] over my [[/crossed out]] or the trees, all on the buses would be pictures. I never had [[crossed out]] any [[/crossed out]] no visions [[crossed out]] of [[/crossed out]] in the church.

C.W. You never did. 

M.E. No, I [[crossed out]] never had [[/crossed out]] didn't have any visions. All my visions were out. Just all kind of dreams. No one knows,I just like to [[crossed out]] have [[/crossed out]] went. So they just have to leave me off. So my lawyer that I have now, Lawyer Roundtree. I had to get him to talk to my husband and let him tell him to leave me off. Don't bother with me. My husband would go to my pastor crying tell him  her off because of things [[crossed out]] are [[/crossed out]] I have to do. I remember one day I laid when he went to work I stayed home and I walked from the front door to the back [[crossed out]] of [[/crossed out]] through the house from eight o'clock in the morning to four o'clock in the evening, I didn't sit down, walking through there praying .

C.W. Yes, What were you praying for?

M.E. Praying [[crossed out]] to [[/crossed out]] for God. I asked him to deliver me from that terrible feeling of whatever it was that I had. That's when I come out of the house from praying. There was no one there to hear me. In my back yard - the crows - we call them ravens , but we call them crows now had come out of the woods and some was on my house, some up in the trees out there listening at me. 

C.W. That must have been very strange

M.E. So I stood up and looked at them and said I got no one here to hear me. God has sent the ravens out the woods just to hear me pray. I prayed and ask [[crossed out]] for [[/crossed out]] God this. to create in me a clean heart. Oh! God and renew the right spirit within me. I wanted to be right.

C.W. Were you praying so that you could stop painting or were you, you know

M.E. Oh, yes then I would stop and then I would go back to painting. Then I'd paint and then people come down there to the lodge, wa lking [[crossed out]] taken a great interest [[/crossed out]] around looking at the place and Mrs. Beryl Smith and her daughters