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3. Indicate briefly the present conditions of the exhibition series and the study series. 

The exhibition series, as hitherto, is greatly hampered by want of room and of a technical preparator for cleaning and mounting specimens. The mounted series heretofore occupying one case has been increased to two which were used as an exhibit at Nashville illustrating the various molluscan families.   The rest of the collection on exhibition, unmounted, has not materially changed since last year. 

The study or reserve series is in condition for reference through a card catalogue of the genera and has been increased by about three thousand trays during the past year. Work has been continued on the material received from Prof. Verrill which is now all labelled and listed, but which will not be incorporated with the regular study series until the whole of the reserves from him have been received. Some progress has been made in registering the Jeffreys collection, which requires so much care in handling that the