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Dr. A. Dugès     Mexico.
L.S. Frierson     Louisiana
O.H. Hershey       Illinois. 
Dr. H. von Jhering   Brazil.
Dr. P.H. Kirsch     Indiana
W.A. Marsh           Illinois.
Dr. E.A. Mearns       Virginia
Hon. J.D. Mitchell      Texas.
H.A. Moore          California.
J.S. Oldroyd        California.
M.P. Olney          Washington.
P.G. Randolph       Washington.
J.D. Robinette     SW. Virginia
Howard Schriver       Maryland.
J.F. Sword            Virginia. 
J. van Hyning             Iowa.
Bryant Walker         Michigan.
J.J. White              Florida
F.A. Woodworth       California
B.H. Wright            New York

In this connection it seems proper to state that during the year applications for information were received from 164 persons including references to literature, identification of species, etc, which has in each case been promptly furnished.  This involved the identification of 3734 species of shells and the writing by Mr. Simpson and myself (without the assistance of a stenographer or typewriter) of over 1400 pages of reply and explanation. A "log book" or record of such work in the Department is now regularly kept by reference to which the character of the application and of the response to it, with dates and references to the letter file, can be had at any moment.