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List of Accessions.---Jan'y 1st to June 30th, 1885.

Acc. No.

14796  Number of Alcoholic Insects from Isthmus of Panama, Province of Cheregin, N. G., From J. A. McNiel (through L. Lamson & Bro.) 77 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Rec'd March 2. About 40 specimens comprising two or three species of Myriapoda, two species of Scorpionidae, several Orthoptera of the families Locustidæ and Acrididæ, a few species of Coleoptera and one Mygale (Arachnidæ)---all common species.

15539. A number of named Coleoptera—-Algeria. Donor unkown. Rec'd March 2. Seventeen specimens and fifteen species, in rather dilapidated condition.

15563. Bags of Thyridopteryx; Texas; from L.R. Tuttle, Box 494, Washington, D.C. Rec'd Jan'y 6.

15573. Large collection of Coleoptera and Lapidoptera; Sikkim, E.I. Rec'd C.H. A. Dall, Calcutta, India. Rec'd Jan'y 7. This is one of the collections made and mounted by the natives of Sikkim. Contains many hundred specimens, especially Lepidoptera, in pretty fair condition, though the boxes were badly infested with Anthrenus and Tribolium when received at the Museum. 

15606. Tischeria heliopsisella, Chamb. (Tineid Moth) Mexico; from Alfred Duges, Guanajuata, Mex. Rec'd Jan'y 17.

15688. Various alcoholic specimens (Diptera, Homoptera); Alaska; from Lt. Geo. M. Stoney, U.S.N.; U.S.S. "Ounalaska," Mare Island, Cal. Rec'd Feb'y 2. Specimens in very bad condition having been kept in dirty alcohol for many months; not worth keeping.