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Dr. Nash, U.S.N. accompanying the expedition under ..... to Alaska received in February and March a complete entomological outfit and careful instructions how to collect and preserve specimens. It is to be hoped that a good collection of insects may be brought from that region.

Dr. Warrington Eastlake of Tokio, Japan, placed March 12, 1885 at the disposal of the Museum a paper on the Lepidoptera of the Island of Hong Kong, which was afterwards published in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia.

From correspondence unaccompanied by specimens the following is perhaps worthy of note.

Mr. G.W. Peters, Caldwell, Sumner Co., Kans., not dated, in March complained of injury done to young carp by some water insect which from his description was determined as a specied of Dytiscus or Cybister. Capturing the beetles with a net was recommended as remedy.

Mrs. A.C. Bowels (letter April 9, 1885) of Abington, Mass. desired information regarding the "Buffalo bug", Anthenus scorphularrae.

Mr. de Plason of Vienna, Austria offered his large collection of Coleoptera for sale; price $5,000, but for various reasons I could not recommend its purchase.

Several letters with questions regarding mounting etc. of specimens were answered.

The larva received under accession 16174, Eurycreon rantalis, is of considerable interest as having appeared in phenominal abundance over a very large portion of the West and Southwest, webbing up and devouring all garden vegetables and even corn and some other field crops. I received very many communica-

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