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insect the reader can turn to this second section for further details.

3. INSECTICIDE MACHINERY AND CONTRIVANCES FOR DESTROYING INSECTS. In the catalogue of this section there is also addded such information as will add to the instructive value of the exhibit, and a large proportion of the more useful contrivances are such as have been designed and perfected in the work of the Entomological Division or of the U.S. Entomological Commission during the past four years.

4. BEE CULTURE.---This collection is designed to show all the more valuable methods and contrivances now in use among the advanced apiarians.

5. SILK CULTURE.---In this collection the aim has been to make the exhibit instructive rather than full in detail.

The collection includes, in addition to the foregoing, a number of framed plates, both colored and plain, that have been prepared in the work of the Division, and a number of Dr. Riley's enlarged colored diagrams of some of the more important injurious insects were also used.

A catalogue of this exhibition exhibit has been published under the direction of the Department of Agriculture, giving a full and detailed statement of its contents.

The routine work of the Department has consisted in answering letters and in acknowledging and determining accessions. A good deal of work has also been done in the proper arrangement and classifying of material, particularly in the  Micro-Lepidoptera and in the Lepidoptera generally. In this work I was assisted by Mr. Albert Koebele who was detailed from the Department of Agriculture for the purpose.