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Orthoptera now contains - Species, 542, specimens
442, divided as follows:-

  Family            Species        Specimens.
Forficulidae           17              66
Mantidae               12             105          
Phasmidae               3              32                    
Blatidae               25             165           
Tettigidae             30             190             
Acrididae             337            3280             
Lecustidae             85             464            
Gryllidae              33             140           
Total                 542            4442  

These numbers in regard to species may not prove exact, as so many are still either unnamed or entirely undescribed, that until they are carefully worked over the specific or other rank of some forms can not be definitely determined.

There are also 27 double boxes containing several thousands of duplicates for exchange.

In the Parasitic Hymenoptera the Microgasters have all been rearranged so as to include all the new and many undescribed species, which I hope soon to find time to define; while in the Biological series, much of