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S.P.LANGLEY, Secretary
G.BROWN GOODE, Assistant Secretary, 
    in charge of U.S.National Museum


Washington, [[blank]] 188

22499. A lot of alcoholic specimens, mostly Orthoptera, Spiders and Myriapods, from Dr. C. H. White, through Dr. G. W. Woods, Mare Isl., Cal.

The arrangement of the North American Coleoptera has been continued during the month, the Clavicorn families are finished and of the Serricorns the four families:  Dascyllidae, Elateridae, Buprectidae and Lamypridae.  Altogether the first 5000 numbers of Henshaw's list are now covered.  Of these we have represented in the systematic collection 3200 species, arranged in 220 boxes, and the duplicates, about 800 species, fill 55 double folding boxes.  Biologicah specimens of 166 specimens are separated to be arranged together with the alcoholic biologic material.

I have also had the Hemiptera - Heteroptera rearranged during the month by Mr. Wm. H. Ashmead so as to include all the accumulations of late years.  Uhler's Check List of the North American Heteroptera, including Mexico and the West Indies gives 1448 species. Of these our systematic series contains 455 named species from the U.S. arranged in 53 boxes.  Of duplicates we