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S. P. LANGLEY, Secretary
G. BROWN GOODE, Assistant Secretary,
in charge of U. S. National Museum


Washington, [[blank]], 188


22772 - A few insects, larvae and arachnids, collected in California, Arizona and Mexico, from U. S. Fish Commission. 
22810 - A spider (Datames subluridus), i Cicada prunicola, 1 larva of Corydalus cornutus and 5 Lebullulid larvae, from M. McDonald, U. S. Fish Commission.
22823 - 8 species European Orthoptera and 8 species of European Microlepidoptera from Targioni-Tozzetti, Firenze, Italy. (Exchange)
22824 - Types of 9 new species N. Am. Coleoptera, from T. L. Casey, Army Building, New York. (Exchange)
22834 - Females specimens of Pseudospinx tetrio, collected Gulf of Mexico, from N. G. Henry, New Orleans, La.
During the month the N.A.Coleoptera of the family Cerambycidae have been arranged. Out of 577 species we have represented 375 species in the systematic series and 50 in the biological. In duplicates there are 188 species 

Transcription Notes:
22834 - "femalesspecimens" - I suspect should be female specimens, have currently transcribed as "females specimens" to be consistent