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a gale from the south and southwest, afterward moderating again with rain and squalls- 9 P.M. Bar. 29.690. Plot shore lines all day evening. see [[?]] about signals. Adolph's wife [[out?]] washing. [[bill?]] at store. +c. spend most of the evening aboard the Hutchinson. Neumanns + Wagners love affairs occupy most of the public attention at present.

-Friday June 14-
Cloudy, rainy SW gale blowing with heavy squalls Ther. 41. 48 44. Bar. 29.700 Go ashore pay bills. get barometer +c Blows all day. evening moderates a good deal. Bar. 30.040. Go ashore at night and witness the marriage by Father Nicolai of Arthur Neumann and Chas. Wagner with Helena + [[Nadyestva? Lhayeshinkaff?]] respectively Capt [[Nietaum?]], Morton, [[Ennis?]] + [[Hennig?]] being [[-----holders?]] and all of our party except Bailey, together with [[Tish?]], MacIntyre, Mrs. [[Ennis?]] Macdonald, [[Charley?]], [[Sharfeldt?]] + others being present. Go to the priests much against my will + stay a short time after the ceremony and then go aboard the Hutchinson + come aboard at 11 P.M.