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kill two Sterna macrura & a diver of which I have the eggs but do not know the name. Get back to the vessel about 9.30. The sch. Vivid is to be at the Unga tomorrow and is going direct to S.F. We must try & send letters by her.

Wednesday July 3
Ther. 47 66.57. 3/4 clear. Bar 29.980 Wind high NNW. Go to Strait and Unga stations & take the angles from those places then return to vessel at two P.M. A.M. half cloudy clouds up at noon and later a light rain sets in with variable light winds & calms. Start at three P.M.for [[Schanoff?]] Harbor, having to row most of the way. getting there about 7 P.M. Take out things into Caton's house and look about a little raining hard. The sloop Jabez Howes is in port with Giles Chinch + Maedalyn aboard. She arrived from Unalashka [[Unalaska]] via Belkoffsky on the 28th having left [[Shirlink?]] on the 23rd. The Hutchinson sailed on the 19th. The Lizzie [[Shahar?]] had not returned. The [[Ponight?]] had sailed with goods for [[Atka?]] MacIntyre takes charge for HK at Belkoffsky & [[Lumefsky?]] returns by the sloop. Bar 29.680 9 P.M.
