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-Sunday July 21-
Ther.49.53.45. Bar.29.848. Cloudy foggy rainy fresh wind s. tide low at 7:10 A.M. staff 0.3
Go ashore and collect along the length of the coralline while the tide is low, getting many good things. Copy Capt. Henderson's chart and return it to him. P.M. the Roscoe comes in and anchors in the outer anchorage. Arrange specimens-
9 P.M. bar. 29.880. Wind shifted to W 
Clears up a little but high wind

-Monday July 22-
Ther. Bar.30.000. Wind fresh NW. half cloudy. Sounding line 6 inches per fathom short. Benchmark 4 ft 5 in 1/2 above water staff standing at 9 ft 1 in. 1.25 P.M [[image]] Work at soundings all A.M. Mr. Gardner with a boat from the Legal Tender arrives & brings us 61 Oz of coffee. At noon finish sounding. P.M. measure for a benchmark and engrave it on the SW corner of the Round Id. on a perpendicular face of sandstone when the rocks come down to high water without any beach. Then take angles from top of Round Island. Then cross the Bay & take a few angles from

Transcription Notes:
image is sketch with letters BM