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Saturday Aug 24, 1872
Ther. 54.5. 64. 48. Bar. 29.850. Cloudy light SW wind. Go over the portage by the lake and take bearings & measurements enough to sketch the shore line of the E bight. Return at 12.30 and in P.M. go down to Porpoise Harbor and run the shore line & take a few soundings & bearings & return to vessel at 7.30 P.M. This completes the work laid out here a party from Unga, going & Limeonoff sky pass through the harbor. 9 P.M bar 29.800. Cloudy + foggy. Lightening or volcanic eruption visible after dark.

Sunday Aug. 25

Ther. Bar 29.660.1/2 Cloudy Light W wind. Bar 9 P.M. 29.620. Cloudy lt wind. About noon breezes up and blows a gale from NW with heavy squalls. Work over packing collection &c and angles of survey

Monday Aug. 26
Bar 29.670. Ther. 47.55 50.5 half clear, fresh NW breeze. Sail from Sanborn Harbor about 7 A.M. and arrive at North East Harbor Little Koniushi Id about 6 P.M. Wind light NW to fresh P.M. a little rain in one or two short showers. Make the following bearing by the way.

[[image - sketch of Porpoise Harbor]]
Porpoise Harbor

Shore on same side below