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There is a party of Aleut hunters here but they have got but few furs on account of the late heavy gales. They point out the anchorage which is well protected but very shoal. Go ashore shortly after we anchor and take a series of altitudes for time Evening rather cloudy wind more westerly inclining to the southward

- Thursday Aug. 29 -
Ther. 52.5. 56. 50. Bar. 30.050. Wind SSE light. Cloudy. wind shifting to NE for a storm. Ascend the mountain in the north part of the island and take a series of angles and bearings from the summit and also at the north end of the ridge. Return feeling very tired with the Hard work of the last few days and spend the P.M. in clerical work. Capt Hall gets some very nice small shells on the Eastern beach including a new Patina or Macilla and some good sponges. 9 PM. bar. 29.910

- Friday Aug. 30th - 
Ther. 53. 56. 51 Bar. 29.720. NE gale raging with rain; fog & clouds. smart puffs but no woolleys. Noon moderates but begins again from SSE at night. 9 P.M. bar. 29. 494. Raining furiously

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Un 2 1/2 May
[[Ung?]] 1 [[Jun?]]
Pop. 1 [[crossed out]] June [[/crossed out]]
Pop. 4 July
S. H. 5 Aug


Sept 1 1/2
Oct 4 1/2
Nov 9
Dec 2 1/2
Jany 0
Feb 0
Mar 2 1/2
Apr 02


Days work
Unalashka 23 1/2
Popoff Str. 5
Sanborn Har. 5
Total       33 1/2

[[4 column table]]
|[[Shumagins?]]| 96. | 1178.| 27|
|Unalashka | 274.| 2272 | 19|
|Total      | 370.| 3450.| 46|