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off the first point but getting off with little trouble; about 11 A.M. clear the reefs off the head of the harbor- and pass through the twelve fathom strait taking our departing for St. Paul's, Kodiak to rate chronometers before leaving for San Francisco. Day foggy + wind light. The point seen between Little Konuishi and Atkins Id. is a part of the former.
9 P.M. 29.910

- Tuesday Sept 3 1872 -
Ther. 49.5.06  52. Bar 29.900 Wind lt ESE, cloudy foggy, wind variable and baffling all day 9 P.M. bar 29.880

- Wednesday Sept 4 -
Made [[Ugamok?]] last night, but were headed off by the wind which at 4 this A.M. shifted to S by W + we get on our course, Ther. 54. 58. 51. 5. Bar. 29. 810 Thick + cloudy Wind light about noon see [[Ugamok?]] again, making the latitude the same as in the old chart + the longitude as in the new one. 9 P.M. bar. 29.880 foggy, wind S very light

- Thursday Sept. 5 - 
Ther. 52. 5. 56. 51. Bar. 29.818 Foggy cloudy wind S by E light. P.M. clear calm. Catch some fish Sound in 23 1/2 ms work over ∆n sheets. 9 P.M. bar. 29.776

Sounding statistics 
[[4 column table]]

| | Miles of sdgs | No of sounds | No of [[ranges]] |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Unalashka | 23.70 | 2198 | 93 |
| Coal Harbor | 13.63 | 1438 | 33 |
| Popoff straits | 35.00 | 2636 | 45 |
| Sanborn Har | 14.35 | 962 | 108 |
| Totals | 86.68 | 7234 | 279 |

Averaging one sounding every 20 meters or 65 feet; really a little closer.

Bearings + Measurements by Telemeter
[[4 column table]]

| Locality | No of obs. | meters meas. | Miles 1650m |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Unalashka | 2470 | 214,755.184 | 130.2 |
| Coal Harbor | 289 | 19,597.2 | 11.9 |
| Straits Unga Id | 305 | 21,281.45 | 12.9 |
| Straits Popoff Id | 588 | 44,989.777 | 27.3 |
| Sanborn Harb & E side Nagai | 747 | 39,208.45 | 23.8 |
|Porpoise Har. | 99 | 11,276.95 | 6.8 |
|Falmouth H | 19 | - | - |
| Northeast Har | 142 | 2062.1 | 1.2 |
| Simmenoff H | 132 | - | - |
| Total | 4791 | | 214.0 |

about 24 measurements to the mile or 68.75 m to the obs.