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Monday Sept 9, 1872
Ther. 47.52.43. Bar 29.570
Nearly clear, fresh SSW wind. Go ashore at 7.00 A.M. for time observations . 9 P.M. bar 29.768. After breakfast go up to the town of St. Paul's and call on Mr. Susmann, Mr. Schirpsen, the Postmaster, Mr. Sheehan the collector and another ([[Bishand?]]). They are all very generous with papers, turnips &c &c and the town is much more attractive than any I have seen in the territory before. Return on board to dinner, then go over to the Ice Company's buildings on Wood Id and get a few [[stores?]] from Hempel and a memorandum in regard to a rock which we saw breaking this A.M. in midchannel. Then go ashore and take a few observations the sky being very cloudy and the wind high. Get some flowers and cones. Then complete equal altitudes as far as the weather will permit. Go aboard. Get the mail. At 5.30 weigh anchor and stand out to sea, with a fair wind rising barometer and homeward bound to San Francisco.