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Wednesday Sept 18
Ther. Bar.30.086 Cloudy fresh NW wind- logged last 24 hours 222 miles- Work over Report of progress to Sept P.M. see a schooner standing to NE, P.M. foggy rainy. 9 bar 10.024

Thursday Sept 19
Ther. Bar- 29.976 Cloudy fresh NW wind. P.M. lighter 9 P.M. bar 29.982-

Friday Sept 20
Ther. 52.60.62 Bar. 29.982-
Cloudy hazy- 12 miles off Pt. Reyes a large ship & a sch. in company at 9 A.M., see a brig & 2 schooners also the Farallones and Pt. Reyes-  Wind light but we manage to work along, passing three large ships a bark & a brig and anchoring in mission cove at 9.15 P. M