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then back to office, Down to Bacons & get extras, 4140, and into shorts where I am so disgusted with his revamping the coat which I had previously rejected, that I take leave of him & the suit together. Go to Hastings & get measured for a suit. Then to dinner then to barbers & to room Finally go round & call on Stearns

Sunday, Oct.13

Morning write letters in office go to church & then write till 4 P.M, round to room & then to Capt Noyes to dine go to hear Mr. Stebbins in P.M with them.

Monday Oct 14

Work at office most of day leave bird at Grubers and call on Dr. [[Hewston?]] in P.M.

Tuesday Oct 15

Davidson gets back. Work over ∆ns. Bendel calls at office. Get tripod from vessel. Pack Prof Gray's plants. P.M. Bendel dines with me, and we afterward go to the

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