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about S.J. boxes and at custom House but don’t find the collector in P.M. at work on report, also in evening till ten oclock

Wesnesday Oct 23
Work all day and evening over report at office.

Thursday Oct 24
Work all day at office over Report. Dine at Capt Noyes - & spend the evening

Friday Oct 25
Work all day over report ditto in evening. finish Rep and begin to copy it.

Saturday Oct 26
Morning go to office and copy report. Get clothes from Hastings, Call at HKs office and see [[Mcbaum?]] and Smith and take lunch with latter. Buy an umbrella first rain today of season - work on copying all P.M and evening

Sunday Oct. 27
Church in A.M. Dine with Capt. Noyes and spend the evening.

Monday Oct. 28
Work at office on reports, Dr Finsch, [[Lindemann?]] and Mr Sceva call