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to Miller and Halls, but do not find the Capt. Up to room
and see Harrington, then to office & make out vouchers
then down to Miller & Halls, & start in on specifications. 
Evening at Capt Noyes. 

- Saturday Nov 9 -
Morning, take Harringtons [[vs?]].  Get 117.00 from bank cy. & 100.00 gold. Go to P.M.SS.Cos office and pay Georges passage money. Then to office & down to Miller & Halls & go 
over specifications. Then to office & copy on them - 
Evening call on Stearns -

- Sunday Nov. 10 -
Terrible fire in Boston. To office & then to church. Write 
to mother authorizing her todraw on me for 500.00 cy
in case it is needed - Dine & P.M. at Capt Noyes -

- Monday Nov 11 -
Down to office, then to Capt Noyes & bank, then to Miller & Halls, Owen & Booles.  Call at P.M.S.S.Cos office & see Hubbard.

Transcription Notes:
Nov 10 entry refers to Great Boston fire of 1872 (nov 9)