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Harrington and George to the Str. Costa Rica and see them off.  Then to office down to H.K & Co's and look at fossils, then back to office and work until dark. Evening go up to Stearns.
_Sunday Nov 17_
Down to office and P.O. to church and hear Stebbins and then to office and write letters. Dine and spend evening with Capt. Noyes.
_Monday Nov. 18_
Down to office. Isaac Hall bid 14.750 coin for vessel. Call on Hoyt and get bond and contracts to copy. Work over collections in P.M. Evening Acad. meeting.
_Tuesday Nov. 19_
Office in A.M. Bradley and Gardner come in. Lunch with Gardner. P.M. at Acad. unpacking coll'ns. Evening call on Dr. Hewston and get bird and book.
_Wednesday Nov 20_
Down to office. Letter from Hilgard Pierce and Sadie Go down with [[strike-through text Kaufman]] Gardner and see Mr. King, draughtsman. Then