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Friday Nov 29
Raining very hard. At office so dark we can hardly see. letter from mother & [[Build list of birds?]] copying Evening Mrs. Elmer

Saturday Nov 30
Letter from Isaac Hall with drawing his [[bird?]]. Go down & see him about it. Look up a desk & select a room for my office. Copy on catalogue Evening call 
on Seammon & Bolander both away

Sunday Dec 1
Down to office. Write letters
Dine with Capt. Noyes.

Monday Dec 2
Call at Miller & Halls & go to look at the Merrill, work at room
in A.M. P.M. move up to new Room no 70. Congress Hall 314 Bush St. Evening meeting of the Academy.
Tuesday Dec 3
Work at Room all day. Kaufman
absent. See Seammon & call on him in P.M.