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-Thursday 26-
Work at accounts in A.M. Go down to look at [[Seeva's?]] fossils in P.M. + pay bills evening work over Cat. Brach.

-Friday Dec. 27-
Morning go to office + back to room. Work over accounts. Evening over Catalogue. P.M. go + look at Schr. Energy, + lunch with [[Jennings?]].

-Saturday Dec. 28-
Rainy. Work over Brach. Cat + finish it. Evening call at Mrs. Capt Smiths + Stearns.

-Sunday Dec 29-
Church in A.M. write letters Dine at Capt. Noyes. P.M. go to Dr Stone's but no [[room?]]. Call on Mrs. [[Wm Macindray?]] + go to hear Stebbins.

-Monday Dec 30-
Work over whales all A.M. P.M. Go round with Stearns to see Livingstone Stone and find him out. Evening Bendel comes in and I go round to the Cala theater with him + hear Aladdin played + turned into a Chinaman.