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e.  A small series of Diurnals was sent to Mr. W. H. Edwards for determination.

f.  Several smaller series and all the Odonata [[strikethrough]] collede [[/strikethrough]] collected by Dr. Abbott in Africa, have been sent to Dr. P. C. Calvert, Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, for systematic study.

g.  A complete representation of the museum collection in the Rhynchophorous Tribe Barini has been sent to Capt. T. L. Casey, New York, who has undertaken to monograph the group.

h.  A series of Geomtridae has been sent to Rev. Geo. D. Hulst, Brooklyn, N. Y. for identification.

i.  All the material in the Hemipterous family Veliidae has been borrowed by Mr. H. E. Summers for study.

k.  The undetermined Lepidoptera collected in Africa by Dr. W. L. Abbott have been sent to Dr. W. J. Holland, Pittsburg, Pa., for study.