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CHARLES V. RILEY. On the Habits and Life History of [[underline]] Diabrotica [[/underline]] 12- [[underline]] punctata [[/underline]]. 

[[underline]] Insect Life [[/underline]], IV, Nos.3 and 4, November, 1891, pp. 104-108, fig. 5.

Summary of Prof. H. Garman's paper in [[underline]] Psyche [[/underline]] on the Natural History of [[underline]] D. [[/underline]] 12- [[underline]] punctata [[/underline]]; Observations on the corn-feeding habits of the larva; [[strikethrough]] B [[/strikethrough]] breeding records to show that the species has at least two annual generations; [[strikethrough]] P [[/strikethrough]] polyphagous habits of the imago; [[strikethrough]] D [[/strikethrough]] description of the egg and larva, and preliminary note on parasites. Figures of the insect in all stages and of mode of work.