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progressed during the month with the aid of Mr. Nathan Banks and other employees of the Department of Agriculture whom I have been able to spare for the work.
The number of species represented in our collections of the last named order is as follows:

Coleoptera from Europe -----------  3200 species 
Coleoptera from Asia -------------   236 species  
Coleoptera from Japan ------------    63 species 
Coleoptera from Australia --------   312 species  
Coleoptera from New Zealand ------   310 species 
Coleoptera from Madagascar -------    28 species 
Coleoptera from Africa -----------   450 species 
Coleoptera from South America ----   760 species 
Coleoptera from Hawaii -----------    81 species 
Coleoptera from Central America --  1200 species  
Coleoptera from West Indies ------   100 species 
Coleoptera from U.S. & Canada ----   700 species 
                 Total ----------- 13740 species

Respectfully, submitted

C.V. Riley,
Hon Curator

Transcription Notes:
Per SI, ditto marks should be spelled out