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9. Collection in the genus Apion to C. H. Fall, Pomona, Cal. for monographic study. (Not returned.)
10. Certain species of Sesiidae to Wm. Beutenmuller, American Museum Nat. History, New York, N. Y. to assist him in monographic work. (Returned.)
11. Bees of genus Prosopis to Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell, Las Cruces, N. Mex. for monographic study. (Not returned.)
12. Collection of Jassidae to Prof. Carl F. Baker, Fort Collins, Colo. for special study. (Not returned.)
13. Some species of Diurnals to Dr. H. Skinner, Philadelphia, Pa. for special study. (Returned.)
14. Collection of Tryphonidae to Prof. G. C. Davis, Agr. College P.O., Mich. for special study. (Not returned.)