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A consideration of Sciara tritici, n.sp. and of its probable damage to young wheat plants.
D.W. Coquillert. [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] Diptera of Florida[[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]].
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci[[strikethrough]] ences of[[\strikethrough]] Phila [[strikethrough]] delphia [[\strikethrough]], [[strikethrough]] xxx Pa. [[\strikethrough]], 1895. (Issued in September)[[strikethrough]].[[/strikethrough]]Describes [[strikethrough]] three [[\strikethrough]] 3 new genera and [[strikethrough]] eighteen [[\strikethrough]] 18 new species; two of the latter are founded partly on specimens in the National Museum.
D.W. Coquillett. "New Culicidae from North America". Canadian Entomologist, Feb[[strikethrough]]ruary[[\strikethrough]], 1896. Describes [[strikethrough]] xxx[[\strikethrough]]x [[strikethrough]] xxx [[\strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] three[[\strikethrough]] 3 new species, two of which are based on specimens in the National Museum. (Insert slip)
Martin L. Linell. Description of a new species of Golden beetle from Costa Rica.
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., XVIII, No. 1140, pp. 77,78.
Describes a new species of the Rutelidae from Costa Rica, and comments on the generic character and on the variety in collections of the golden and silver-colored species of the group.
Martin L. Linell. [[left margin]] 96-97 [[\left margin]] [[strikethrough]] List of Coleoptera collected on the Tana River, and on the Jombene Range, East Africa, by Mr. William Astor Chanler and Lieut. Ludwig von Hoehnel, with descriptions of new genera and species. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVIII, No. 1094, pp. 687-716.[[\strikethrough]]
A list of 191 species of Coleoptera col-