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Miss Smith
Mead [[/margin]]

Report of the Department of Insects for November, 1895.
The following accessions were received during the month:
✓ 29987. Cymindis neglecta, i ex., from Chas. E. Burden, Washington, D. C.
✓ 29996. Butterflies of Idaho, 21 ex., from Prof. B. W. Evermann, U. S. Fish Commission.
✓ 30004. North American Lepidoptera, 39 species in 75 examples, from Dr. W. Barnes, Decatur, Ill.
✓ 30003. Diptera, 12 ex., from Prof. Theo. D. A. Cockerell, Las Cruces, N. M.
✓ 30068. Galls of Pemphigus populicaulis, from M. A. Bowers, Little Rock, Ark.
✓ 30043. Species of Cynipidae, including Types, from Prof. C. P. Gillete, Ft. Collins, Colo.
✓ 30047. Baryssinus leguminicola Linell M. S., i ex., Type, from Dept. Agriculture.
✓ 30054. Cells of Megachile [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]], from Dr. John Bryan Williams, Georgetown, S. C.
Seven accessions for examination were duly reported upon. A collection of insects of various orders was identified for Prof.