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a.  4 species of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera to F. F. Crevecoeur, Onaga, Kansas.  (For study)
b.  Unnamed Noctuids, about 50 species, to Prof. J. B. Smith, New Brunswick, N.J.  (For study)
c.  16 species, 25 examples, of Melanopli to Dr. S. H. Schudder, Cambridge, Mass.  (Exchange)
  The Museum collection of the Orthopterous group Melanopli, recently returned by Dr. Scudder, was arranged in the cabinets according to the manuscript catalogue furnished by him in advance of his monographic revision. The balance of time was taken up by making lists of the types contained in the collection and by incorporating into the collections sundry material in the Lepidoptera.
  Respectfully submitted, 
     Honorary Curator.