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Report of the Department of Insects for February, 1896.
The following accessions were received during the month:
✓ 30244. Dytiscus dauricus and miscellaneous insects from Unalaska and Honululu, presented by U. S. Fish Commission, through Herbert A. Gill.
✓ 30232. Miscellaneous insects from Kamtschatka and Commander Islands, collected by Dr. L. Stejneger, U. S. National Museum.
✓ 30247. Coleoptera, 25 species, from Department of Agriculture, collected by Rev. J. L. Zabriskie, Brooklyn, N. Y.
✓ 30248. Four species of insects in 30 examples, from Dept. of Agriculture, collected by Wm. Brodie, Toronto, Canada.
✓ 30265. Specimens used for study and illustrations in "Studies in Life Histories of Dragonflies" by James G. Needham, Knox College, Galesburg, Ills.
✓ 30274. Diptera, 7 species in 56 examples, from Dept. of Agriculture, collected by Wm. Brodie, Toronto, Canada.
✓ 30303. Melanopli, 21 species in 44 examples (including