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30430. Type of Helops stenotrichoides Blaisdell, from Dr. F.E.Blaisdell, Mohel Hill, Cal. 

30468. Lepidoptera, 7 species, from Bernard J.Bretherton, Newport, Ore.

30467. Large scorpion, from Liberia, Africa, presented by J.Ormund Wilson, Colonization Society, Wash., D.C.

Two temporary accessions were duly reported upon. 

A series of N. Am. Coleoptera, 45 species in 100 examples, was sent to Henry G.Klages, Jeanette, Pa., as an exchange for Acc. 30415.

Miss Etta Braly and Miss Amanda Braly were given facilities for study, access to, the collections and library, during the month.

The revision of the North American Coleoptera collection, commenced during last month, was continued in the Family Scarabaeidae.

Respectfully Submitted, 
L.O. Howard
Honorary Curator.