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[[margin note]]
Endt continued on Com of
J. A. Johnson.
[[margin note 2]]
EB 2 Vol 85.1106.1867
[[margin note 3]]
EB 2 Vol 90.1106

Dispensary No 1.
East Capt. BKs. Sept. 11 1867

I hereby certify that the parties named in the
within applications are permanently disabled and
are fit subjects for Freedmans Village.

(sgd) G. A. Wheeler.
A. A. Surg. USA.

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington, Sept 11" 1867

Respy forwarded attention invited to the within
endorsement of G. A. Wheeler. A A Surg. U.S.A.
relative to the enclosed cases.

JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt. D.C.

[[margin note]]
Endt back on Com of
O. Brown
Ass't Com'r Va.
[[margin note 2]]
EB 2 Vol 77 No. 1088.67

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington. Sept 11" 1867

Respy forwarded no information relative
to the whereabouts of the within named Jacob Scott
(col'd) can be obtained - Although a circular from 
this office was fulfilled - to the congregation by 
the Pastor of each colored church in this city. 

J.V W Vandenburgh
Local Supt D.C.


[[margin note]]
End't. on Comn. of 
J. L. Cambridge
[[margin note 2]]
2 Vol No. 1108.1867

Bureau R. F. + AL>
Head Qrs.  A.C. D.C.
Washington Sept. 10" 1867

Resp'y referred (Thro Local Supt. D.C.) to Mrs. J. S.
Griffing. Agent DC who will see that no more persons
are sent to Mr Bacon + will confer with J. L. 
Cambridge, Agent DC as to the practicability of supplying
the women needed by him.

By order of 
Bt Brig Gen'l Howard 
(sgd) Wm. H. Rogers
A.A.A. Genl. 

[[margin note]]

Office Local Sept. D.C.
Washington Sept. 11" 1867.

Respy referred to Mrs J.S. Griffing. Agent DC
attention invited to the within endorsement of the 
Asst. Com'r. D.C. 

JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt. D.C.

[[margin note]]
Endt.on Com of 
H.L. Smith
[[margin note 2]]
2 Vol. No. 1109 1867
[[margin note 3]]
Order issued 9/14 1867

Office Local Supt. D.C. 
Washington. Sept. 12 1867

Resp'y forwarded for the consideration of the Asst Comr. D.C. 

J.C. Abeel
Act Local Supt. D.C.