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[[margin note]]
[[margin note 2]]
E B 91. 2470. 1867

Bureau R F. and A.L.
Head Qrt. A.C. D.C.
Washington Sept 11" 1867.

Resp'y returned (Thru Local Supt D.C.) to D.R. Disbron. Employment Agent. inviting attention to endorsement of Bt Brig Genl. H.M. Whittelsey C.Q.M. Bureau R.F. AL. dated Sept. 10" 1867 hereon. 

By order of 
Bv Brig Genl. C.H Howard.
(sgd) Wm. W. Rogers

[[margin note]]
Endt. back on App'n of
H.L. Smith
[[margin note 2]]
R.A. No 2324 C.L.S.D.C.
[[margin note 3]]
EB 93. 2527. 1867

War Department
Bureau R.F. & AL. O. C.QM.
Washington Sept 10" 1867

Resp'y returned to Bvt Brig Genl. C.H. Howard Asst. Comr. D.C> for compliance with requirements of circular Letter issued by the Commissioner May 21" 1867 (copy enclosed)

By command of
Maj Genl. O.O. Howard Com'r
(sgd) H.M. Whittelsey
C.Q.M. B RF & AL


Bureau R.F. and AL.
Hd. Qrs. A.C. D.C. Sept. 11th 1867

Resp'y returned to J.V.M. Vanderburgh Loc. Supt. D.C. whose attention is called to the endorsement of the C. Q. Msr. Bure R.F. & AL. and enclosed Circular and compliance therewith directed. 

By order of
Bvt Brig Genl. C.H. Howard
(sgo) Wm. W. Rogers


[[margin note]]
Endt. on Com of
D.A. Disbron
[[margin note 2]]
2 Vol No. 1111. 1867

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington. Sept 13" 1867

Resp'y forwarded for the information of the Asst. Comr. D.C. 

J.C. Abeel
Act. Loc Supt. D.C. 

[[margin note]]
[[margin note 2]]
EB 2 Vol 92. 2524
[[margin note 3]]
EB 97.2527

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington Sept. 13" 1867

Resp'y returned to Mr. H.L. Smith, Agent. with reference to endorsement of the Asst. Comr. D.C. hereon. 

J.C. Abeel
Act Local Supt. D.C.

[[margin note]]
Endt. back on Com of
J.C. Abeel
Act. Loc. Supt. D.C.
[[margin note 2]]
LB 2 Vol 2" 1867

Bureau R.F. and AL. 
Hd. Qrs. A.C. D.C.
Washington, Sept 13" 1867

 Resp'y returned to J.C. Abeel, Acting Local Supt. D.C. This man will be furnished with employment or otherwise provided for. - It is not contemplated to discharge men only partially able to support themselves elsewhere, when they can be made useful and self supporting by employment in this District. 

By order of
Bvt Brig Genl. Howard
(sgd) Wm. W. Rogers
A.A.A. Genl.