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but what her boy was better off in Maine than he could be here. Grace said she must have the boy to help her & should send for him to return &c.
Mr. Bartlett has not found the boy - but had she says provided him with a good home.
I know Grace Nelson & Betsy Robinson to be dependents. they have been helped by the government more or less for the past yr and my judgment is that to return the boy to his mother would be doing him an injustice and only afford Grace a pretext for sending her claim upon the government for help. 
I do not thing Grace has a husband and - if so her statements have been false.
(sgd) J.L. Roberts
Supt &c

End't back on Comn of
H.M. Whittlesey
EB1 Vol 223 O.L.s. 1867

394 North Capt. St.
Washington Apr 8 1867

Respy returned to Lieut Col W.M. Roberts 
Maria Clayton after receipting for transportation was sick with small pox from which she did not recover.
Transportation was used for another dependent freedman, from this City to Baltimore. Qr. Mr. Order of same series, find enclosed.
(sgd) J.S. Griffing

End't on Comn of
Wm. W. Rogers
A.A.A. Genl.
M1 Vol 215 No. 610

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington Apr 8 1867
Respy forwarded
J.V.W. Vandenburgh
Asst. Supt. D.C.

End't on Comn of
Mrs. J.S. Griffing
M1 Vol 215 No. 611

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington Apr 8 1867
Respy forwarded
J.V.W. Vandenburgh
Asst. Supt. D.C.

End't on Comn of
O.S.B. Wall
Emp. Agt.
M1 Vol 216 O.L.S. 615

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington Apr 8 1867
Respy forwarded recommended
J.V.W. Vandenburgh
Asst. Supt. D.C.