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[[left margin]]
Endt" on Count" of
E.G. Townsend

EB1 Vol272. No.694.
[[/left margin]]

Bureau R.F. and AL.
Hd" Qrs" Ass't Count" D.C.
Washington Apr 26"1867,

Respy returned to E.G. Townsend , Supt.
Randall Green Barracks, (thro office Local Supt" D.C.)

The recommendations of the Local Supt. D.C. is hereby approved. 

By order of
Brot Brig Genl" Howard
(sgd) Wm. W. Rogers,
A.A.A. Genl.

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washinton, Apr.26"1867

Respy returned to E.G. Townsend, whose attention is invited to preceding endorsement. He will remove the wood as soon as possible + employ his Watchmen as a compensation, to be decided by the Ass't Count" D.C. 

When these arrangements are effected he will report the facts in order that the Guard may be relieved.

W.M. Buler Jr
LtCol. Local Supt. D.C.


[[left margin]]
Endt" on back on Count of
Mrs. E.L. Strong
Matron tc

[[/left margin]]

Office Local Supt" D.C.
Washinton, Apr 27"1867

Respy returned to Lt Wm.W. Rogers. whose attention is invited to the accompanying report of E.G. Townsend, Supt. Randall Green Barracks.

W.M. Buler Jr
LtCol Local Supt D.C

[[left margin]]
End" on Count" of
J.E. Brady Jr.

[[/left margin]]

Office Local Supt" D.C.
Washington, APr 27"1867,

Respy referred to Mr OS.B. Wall Emp Agt" who will if possible obtain the rec't as within requested, returning this letter with application  for transportation.

W.M. Buler Jr
LtCol. Local Supt. D.C.