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Endt Continued.
309. 311. 312. 560.

Bureau R F and AL.
Hd Qrs Ass't Comr State of Va
Richmond Va Apr 8th 1867.

Respy referred to Genl S.C. Armstrong. Supt. for compliance with endorsement from Bureau Hd Qrts.

By order of
Bvt Brig Genl. O. Brown U.S.V.
Ass't Comm'r
(sgd) Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl.

Bureau R.F. and AL.
Hd Qrs Supt. 2nd Dist Va
April 11th 1867.

Respy referred to
Capt. A.M. Brooks, Ass't Supt. for compliance with endorsement from Bureau Hd Qrs.

(sgd) [[Mort?]] S Reed.
1st Lieut V.R.C. in charge. Officer


Endt back on Comn 
Mrs. J.S. Griffing 
311. 312. 560.

Bureau R.F. and AL.
Hd Qrs Sub Dist New Kent C.H. Va
New Kent CH. Apr 23rd 1867.

Resp'y returned with the information that in connection with Messrs BD Christian & JD. Christian, sons of the late J.D. Christian Sr. late owner of the "Christian Plantation" at New Kent C.H: I learn that William Jefferson, Colored, aged about 17 or 18 years was sent by his master to wait on his masters sons in the "C.S.A," while the rebel Army was in the vacinity of Yorktown, Va that he left about the year 1862, since which time nothing has been heard from him.

He left his mother and only brother [[Phaddeus? Thaddeus?]] here: but was never married, and left no children of his own: he also left 3 nephews and 1 niece, children of his sister Katie (deceased) by her husband Joe Bunell, all of whom are now living with their father, the said Bunell, in this County, he left also several half brothers none of whom however are named George.

Since April 1866, my office has  been on the "Christian Plantation" at New Kent. C.H. and to my personal knowledge no freedpeople have been living on it except servants employed in the Hotel who are an entirely different family. 

(sgd) A.M. Brooks.
Capt. V.R.C.
A Sub Ass't Comr

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