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End't on Comm of 
Mrs. J.L. Griffing

M L Vol 19. O.L.S. D.C. 873.

Bureau R F and A L. 
Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington June 4th 1867.

Respy forwarded. It is not deemed expedient that clothing should be 
issued in payment for the saving at the school under charge of Mrs. Griffing particularly unmade garments as that will open the way to a traffic of materials for such articles of food and as the "destitute employees of the school" may need.
I would respectfully suggest that the women be paid a fair prices for
the articles they manufacture to enable them to procure such articles as they may need. employing the most destitute and deserving aged people at the school.
This would avoid all irregular issues of clothing and insure the transfer of all articles manufactured, give employment to such as cannot otherwise sustain themselves, and facilitate the making up of returns for this office and that of Maj. J.M. Brown A.Q.M.

J V W Vandenburgh
Act'g Local Supt.


Endt on Com of
E.G. Townsend

M 2 Vol 20 O.L.S. 874.
E B 392, 874.

Office Local  Supt. D.C.
Washington. June 5th 1867.

Resp'y forwarded for the information of the Ass't Comr D.C.

J V W Vandenburgh
Act'g Local Supt.

Endt pn Comn of
Mrs. J.S. Griffing

M 2 Vol 21. O.L.S. 876.

E B 398, 876.

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington. June 5th 1869.

Respectfully forwarded.

J V W Vandenburgh
Act'g Local Supt. D.C.

Endt on Comn of
Mrs. J.S. Griffing

M 2 Vol 21. O.L.S. 877.

Office Local Supt. D.C>
Washington. June 5th 1867.
Resp'y forwarded. Approved.

J V W Vandenburgh
Act'g Local Supt.