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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

Rec. O. L. S. K. M. 3-30/'67. | Barnes R. A. E B 1 Vol 213. 1867. No 559. Rec. B. 3.45 P.M. 4-1-1867, Appd. | Washington, D. C. Mch" 30 1867. Requests transportation from this city to Medina, N.Y. in charge of a party of freedpeople.  

Rec. O. L. S. 3-29-1867. | Griffing Mrs. J. S. Agent E B 1 Vol 214, 1867. No. 560. | Washington, D. C. March 29" 1867. Requests transportation from this City to Richmond & return for George Jefferson, to bring the four children of his Bro William who is not in Ct.  

Rec. O. L. S. 3-30-1867. | Wright, Mrs Maggie Emp Agt. E B 1 Vol 215 1867. No. 566. | Washington, D. C. March 30" 1867. Requests that clothing be furnished for destitute freedpeople who are going North.  


[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

Rec. O. L. S. 3-29-1867. | Griffing, Mrs. J. S. Agent E. B. 1 Vol 216, 1867. No. 562. | Washington, D. C. March 29" 1867. States that the Calico & Cotton furnished at the store of W. A. Sampson & Capt. Hill, is of an inferior quality. Suggests that the material be purchased direct from the manufacturers.   

Rec. O. L. S. 3-29-1867. | Griffing Mrs J. S. Agent E B 1 Vol 216. 1867 No. 563 | Washington, D. C. Mch 29" 67. Forwards estimate of material for clothing needed at Industrial school at her office 

Rec. O. L. S. P. N. C. 3-3-. 3-30./67. | Lancanshire W. H. No. 564. | Lapeer Mich Mch 25" 1867. Requests to be furnished with colored servant. 

Rec. O. L. S. 3/30 P.M. 3/30 '67. | Dahlgren V. J. L 1 Vol 302. O. L. S. No. 565. | New Orleans, La. Mch 20" 1867. Needs 70 to 100. hands and wishes to know if he can procure them this this Bureau.   

Transcription Notes:
Duplicate page of page 107 Edited: entered row text