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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

|Rcd O.L.S. 4-1-1867.|Rusker Melvina. EB1 Vol 218. 1867. No. 566.|Washington D.C. April 1st 1867. States that she commenced work for Mrs. Perry, who resides near Independence Place [?] Co. [?] in Del 1866, as cook at $6.00 per month for one month. At the expiration of the time Mrs. Perry refused to pay her & shook her daughter. Mrs. Perry whipped & abused her children without just cause. Requests that Mrs. Perry be compelled to pay her $6.00/100 amt due her & that her furniture be brought to this city. She being unable to pay for transportation of the same.|

|Rcd O.L.S. 3P.M. 3-30/67.|Townsend E.G. Supt. &c EMB1 Vol 219. 1867. No. 567.|Washington D.C. March 29" 1867. Forwards estimate of Messrs Sage & Co. for material required in repairing the Roofs at Kendall Green. Also expense for doing the work. But suggests that he may be ordered to purchase the material & the work be done by destitute & unemployed freedmen in his camp, which could be done with much less expense.|

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

|Rcd O.L.S. 4-1-1867.|Townsend E.G. Supt. EB1 Vol 219. 1867. No. 568.|Washington D.C. April 1" 1867. Requests permission to cultivate about (1/2) one half acre of ground around his office as a garden & to employ aged & dependent freedmen who are out of employment, giving them as a compensation rations while engaged in the work. The proceeds after deducting expense of the seed to be bestowed on the destitute Refugees & Freedman who may be in his camp.|

|Rcd O.L.S. 4-1-1867.| Stephens Leo E. 112 Locust St. EB1 Vol 222. 1867. No. 569. LB1 Vol 307. 1867.|Phil'a Penn'a. March 28" 1867. States that he has established a Freedman's help agency at 1122 Locust St and that the demand for farm hands in the interior of the State is very pressing says he would be willing to receive 11 to 20 men farm hands & 11 to 20 women as cooks, chambermaids & c as employment could be secured for them immediately. States that he has made arrangements with managers of the Home of Industry to board them at 40 cents per day. Desires to know if he can be supplied with the help.|