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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

|Rec O. L. S. 3.30. P.M. 4-1-1867 | Griffing Miss J. E. Emp Agt E B 1 Vol 220 O. L. S. 1867 No. 570. | Washington D.C. March 30" 1867. Transmits orders for transportation for cancelation. |

| Rec O. L. S. 4/1" 1867. 4 1/2 P.M. | Rogers Wm W.  A. A. A. Genl E B 1 Vol 203 1867. No. 571. | Washington D.C. Apr 1" 1867. States that complaint has reached the Asst Comr by one of the Sanitary Police that the privies at E. C. Barracks are in a very bad condition, & that the residents in that neighborhood are very much annoyed in consequence of the bad smell therefore. Directs that an Agent be ordered to investigate the call & report without delay, that measures be taken to abate the nuisance. |

| Rec O. L. S. 4/1-1867 | Whitaker. E. M. Acting Chief Clerk Dept of Agriculture No. 572. | Washington D.C. March 29" 1867 Refers letter of Mrs M. Brown of Pen Yan[[guess]] asking how freed families can be procured as servants for families in his place. 20 or 30. or whom are wanted. |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

| Rec O. L. S. 2. p.m. 4-1-1867. Filed | Meyers Stephen No. 573. | Albany. N.Y. March 29" 1867 Acknowledeges receipt of an Official Communication in answer to a letter that he wrote. States that in procuring situations for people that he has not charged them anything for his services. nor shall any money be deducted from their wages. States there is no Benevolent society in that City, & that he would like to act as Agent & receive a gratuity from the parties to whom he hires the help. If all is satisfactory, he desires to be informed & would like to have ten women sent him from 18 to 35 years of age as cooks &c |

| Rec O. L. S. 3-26-1867 | Bennet W.  L B 1 Vol 295. 1867 No.  574. | New York City March 21" 1867. Wants to engage a boy 17 to 20 yrs of age to take Care of & drive horses, Milk Cow, and attend to labor about the house.|

Transcription Notes:
Edited: filled in some blanks, made some corrections, etc. 'privies' are bathrooms