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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

| Rec. O. L. S. 4/4" 1867. | Smith Lucius E B 1 Vol 232. O. L. S. No. 593 |  Washington D.C. Apr 4" 1867. Requests transportation from this City to New Haven, Vt. in charge of a party of freed people R B. 4/6" 1867. granted. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 4 P.M. 4/4" 1867 | Newton A. E.  Supt. Schools &c E B 1 Vol 232. O. L. S. No. 594. | Washington D.C. Apr 3" 1867. Transmits list of children in Georgetown School who are in want of Shoes. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 4 P.M. 4/4" 1867. | Coff E. S. H. No. 595. | Hollisterville, Pa. Mch 29" 1867. Is in want of a good farm hand. and asks upon what terms he can be furnished with one. | 

| Rec. O. L. S. 4 P.M. 4/4" 1867 | Scott. S. No. 596. | Zoar Station. O. Feb'y 19" 1867. Is in want of a good colored girl to do general house work to whom he will furnish a permanent home. |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

| Rec. O. L. S. 4 P.M. 4/4" 1867 | Norton, A. B. E B 1 Vol 232. 1867 No. 597 | Washington. D.C. April 4" 1867. States that Mrs Will has carried provisions to a poor family in a room of the house purchased for a house of Industry but that they set them down in passage way & thinks it was used improperly. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 4. P.M. 4/5" 1867 | Townsend E. G. Supt.  &c E B 1 Vol 234. 1867. No.598 | Kendall Green. April 1st, 1867. Returns transportation papers given to A. P. Clark. in Oct last and which was not used. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 4 P.M. 4/5" 1867 Davis Perry No. 599. |  Hartford. Conn. April 3d 1867. Wishes, that next week from 15 to 20 farm hands be sent to Hartford Conn. as they are very much wanted there.  

Transcription Notes:
Writers names need review. Edited: corrected received entries, names, filled in blanks, etc.