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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

| Rec. O. L. S. 3.30 P.M. 4/17" 1867 No. | Wall O. S. B Emp Agent E B 1 Vol 254 O. L. S. 663.| Washington, D.C. April 17" 1867 Calls attention to the case of Lancaster Friend, Freedman who says he has children in Chesterfield County Va near the Court House. & is seeking transportation. States that he cannot learn from his sons Hannibal or Robert wheather they are capable & willing to care for the old man & his wife. He further states that he has written their parties, but had recd. no answer. Requests that the Agent of the Bureau of Chesterfield Va be directed to obtain the desired information. He refers to Capt. Geo. Cogsville of Chesterfield C. H. Va who will give some information relative to the children. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 11.30 A.M. 4/18" 1867 | Bascom O.  L 1 Vol 324, 1867, No. 664. | Whitehall N.Y. April 15” 1867. States that some twenty families in that place want colored female servent. And wishes to known upon what terms they can be had. |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|

| Rec. O. L. S 11:30 A.M. 4/18" 1867 | Huff L. W.  E B 1 Vol 254.1867, No. 665. | Bainbridge, Lancaster Co. Va. April 13” 1867. Wants a colored man with small family to work on a farm and a colored woman to do house work. Will pay the man $450 per year & house rent free, and the woman $5 per month & more if she can earn it. |

| Rec. O. L. S. 4/18" 1867. | Rogers Wm. W.  A. A. A. Genl. Filed No. 666. | Washington, D.C. April 18” 1867 Directs that William Alexander colored be sent to the col’d orphans House. |

| Rec. O. L. S 4/19” 1867 | Harris Chas. C Empl Agt. E.B Vol. 1. 256, No. 667. | Washington, D.C. Apr 18” 1867. Requests transportation from this city to East Bloomfield N.Y. & return in charge of Freedpeople going north. |

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