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[[3 Columned Table]]
Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication

Rec. O. L. S. 4/19” 1867. | Robert Jno L. Supt. E B 1 Vol 256 1867. No 668. | Washington, D.C. April 19” 1867. 
States that William Fletcher Col'd. came to his camp last night. He is entirely blind & is destitute, recommends that he be sent to Freedmans Villiage 

Rec. O. L. S. 4/18” 1867. | Do Mariel H. E B 1 Vol 257 O. L. S. No. 669. | New York City April 13” 1867. 
Forwards application of Mr. Burghduff, for clothing for boys at Farm School. 

Rec. O. L. S 4/19” 1867, | Rogers Wm. W.  A. A. A Genl. [[strikethrough]] Filed [[/strikethrough]] No. 670. | Washington D.C. April 19” 1867. Directs thru Ass't Comr. D.C. that (4) Four orphan children now at Freedman’s Village named Allen Field 11 yrs. Willie Whiting 4 ys Sam'l. Maynor 6 yrs, Lucy Wright 4 months. Presenting this paper as an order. 
Paper sent with Leam 4/20” 1867. 


[[3 Columned Table]]
Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication

Rec. O. L. S 4/19” 1867. | Rogers Wm. W.  A. A. A. Genl. No. 671. | Washington, D.C. April 18” 1867. 
Directs thru Ass’t Comr. D.C. that application for transportation be made for (4) four children now at Freedmans Villiage. named Margret Scott. Lee & Jackson Scott & Anna Harris to be sent to Miss Anne Lowell. Boston Mass. 
To be sent with some person will take good care of them. 
Application made & forwd. 4-20-1867. 

Rec. O. L. S 4/18” 18” 1867. | Rogers Wm. W.  A. A. A. Genl  Filed No. 672. | Washington, D.C. April 17” 1867 
Forwards Official Communication from Genl. O. O. Howard Comr. stating that is has come to his notice that Com’r Officers on duty in this Bureau have presented bills for medical attendance by private Physicians, where there was an Act Ass’t Surg on duty. 
States that no bills will be payed where there is a Medical Officer on duty. Ass’t Comr. & Chief Surg in a Dis’t. will not be allowed more than $50 00/100 per month where there is a contract with the Bureau.  

Transcription Notes:
Duplicate of Page 129.