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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|
Rec. O.L.S.
4/24" 1867
Hall John G.
No. 695
Ravenna Ohio
April 22" 1867
Requests information if it would be practicable for him to go get assistance from the Gov't or Freedman's Bureau. in transporting colored people from Louisville, KY or from Cincinnati, Ohio. to Ravenna Ohio where they are wanted as domestics.

Rec. O.L.S.
4/24" 1867
Pratt Geo W.
EB1 Vol 330. O.L.S.
No. 696
Corning. N.Y.
April 20" '67
Desires to know if the Ass't Commd has any assurance of a good selection of women in the party he offered to send him.
States that he does not desire to have them sent at present &c

Rec. O.L.S.
4 p.m.
Richards G.
EB1 Vol 274. O.L.S.
No. 697
Washington. D.C.
April 24" '67
States that Fanny Dorcal desires to have her granddaughter Fanny Harris restored to her.
States that the fact concerning the girl can be obtained of Mrs. Capt. Smoot at the Rugby House.

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication|
Rec. O.L.S.
4/22" 1867
Whittlesey HM
Chief [?]
Filed No. 698
Washington. D.C.
April 20" 1867
Transmits one copy circular comm B.R.F to L. No. 13' 1867
Requests receipt of the same.
Rec. O.L.S.
4/22" 1867
Burghdoff J.M.
No. 699.
Washington. D.C.
April 1867.
Informs Genl O.O. Howard that Mr deMerial dismissed last evening from National farm School. four of the largest boys named John Brown, Arron Rollins, William Woodson, George Washington, for insubordination and daily disobedience to the rules.

Rec. O.L.S.
4/22" 1867
Northrup A.B.
EB1 Vol 276. 1867
No. 700
Washington. D.C.
April 12" 1867
Made application to be furnished with men & trans to remove the building guardhouse on 17" St & M for a house of Industry to the grounds granted by Congress for the use of the society at the intersection of Va & N.J. aves. to be used as a widows & orphans home for the aged and informs.