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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication |

| Recd O.L.S. 4/29" 1867. No 717. | Townsend E.G. Supt E B 1 Vol 284. 1867. | Washington. D.C. April 27" 1867. Requests to be furnished with a Plow & Plow point to replace one he has worn out. |

| Recd. O.L.S. 4/29 1867. No 718. | Roberts Jno L. Supt E B 1 Vol 285 .O.L.S. | Washington. D.C. April 29" 1867. Reports the Sanitary Condition of different localities in his district as being in a fearfully bad condition & require attention. |

| Recd. O.L.S. 4/27" 1867 Filed. No. 719. | Watson Harry | Stanton Va. April 22" 1867. Inquires the whereabouts of Horace Smith, who, he states, has been employed in the Intelligence Office of this Bureau in this City. |

[[3 Columned Table]]
| Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication. |

| Recd. O.L.S. 4/30" 1867. No 720. | Griffing Miss J E Emp Agt. E B 1 Vol 285. O.L.S. | Washington. D.C. April 30" 1867. Requests transportation for Mrs D Daily from this City to Providence R.I. & return, in charge of 
freedpeople. R B 5/2" 1867. Appd & Fowd |
| Recd O.L.S. 4/30 1867. No 721. | Sears Miss M.G. Emp Ag't. E B 1 Vol 286. O.L.S. | East Bloomfield N.Y. Apr 25" 1867. Transmits list of names of parties desireing to obtain colored servants. |

| Recd O.L.S. 4/29" 1867 No 722. | Townsend E.G. Supt E B 1 Vol 287 O.L.S | Kendall Green Barracks, Washington Apr 29" 67. Transmits report of Tenants occupying rooms at Kendall Green Barracks, and showing the Amount of Money received for the same. |

Transcription Notes:
"Jno" (John) Roberts "Recd" an abbrev. for "Received" "Fowd" an abbrev. for "Forwarded"