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[[3 Columned Table]]

Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication 
 --- | --- | --- 

 Rec O.L.S. 5/4. 1867. | Huff L W  No 748. | Bainbridge. Pa April 29" 1867. 
Countermands his order for those 'darkies". He got them at Harrisburg. 

Rec O.L.S. 5/4. 1867. | Alfred L D. No 749. | Fairfax, [[?]] April 29" 1867, 
Desires to obtain three colored servants. 

Rec O.L.S. 5/6.1867. | Wall. O.S.B.  Emp Agt. 
No 750.| Washington, D.C. May 6" 1867, 
Requests that a team report to his office by one. o,clock P.M. this day, to convey baggage for freedpe people. going north. | 


[[3 Columned Table]]

Date of Reception | Name of Writer | Purport of Communication 
 --- | --- | --- 

Rec O.L.S. 5/6.1867. | Robert J. L. Supt   EB1 Vol.300.O.L.S.67 No 751. | Washington, D.C. May 6" 1867, 
Requests that the Cart & [[Hanegls?]], now in use at East Capt. Barracks be exchanged, as they are unserviceable 

Rec O.L.S. 5/6.1867. Filed | Rogers. Wm. W. A.A.A.Genl. No. 752.| Bureau R.F and A L. Hd. Qrs Ass't Comr D.C, Washington, May 6" '67, 
Appoints Thomas Colter Emp Ag't at $30.00 per month & one ration 

Rec O.L.S. 5/6.1867. No 753 | Griffing Mrs. J. S. Agent EB1 Vol 302. O.L.S. '67 |  Washington. D.C. May 6" 1867. 
Requests to be furnished with Cotton. Red Ticking., Flannel &c for use of industrial School, at her Office. 

Transcription Notes: