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[[3 Columned Table]]

|Date of Reception|Name of Writer|Purport of Communication|

|Rec O.L.S. 5/11” 1867.|Martin A. EB1 Vol 323 O.L.S. No. 780.|Whitehall N.Y. May 7”1867. Requests to be supplied with 2 colored female house servants. D.R.D.|

|Rec.O.L.S. 5/13” 1867.|Walterson M.G. Mayor’s Clerk EB 1 Vol 322. O.L.S. No. 781| Mayor's Office. Cleveland O. May 9" '67. Wishes to know whether one E.L. Jackson soliciting aid for Freedman is an authorized Agent of the Bureau for Campbell County.|

|Rec. O.L.S. 5/13 1867.| Sears Miss M.G. Emp. Agt. EB 1 Vol 322 O.L.S. No. 782| East Bloomfield, N.Y. May 9” 1867. Forwards list of names of Parties desiring to obtain colored servants. C.H.H.|


[[3 Columned Table]]

|Date of Reception|Name of Writer|Purport of Communication|

|Rec O.L.S. 5/13” 1867.|Sears Miss M.G. Emp Ag't. EB 1 Vol 223 O.L.S. No. 786| East Bloomfield N.Y. May 9” 1867. Forwards letter of explanation relative to Miss Harris & Dr. J.J. Kingsbury. Asks to whom she shall apply for her pay.|

|Rec O.L.S 5/13” 1867.|VanDerlip W.L. Bvt Maj Supt. EB 1 Vol 325 O.L.S. No. 784.| Annapolis Md. May 9” 1867. States that application has been made to him by Capt. Luce Supt. of Naval Academy for 50 able bodied men bet 18 & 25 years of age, to enlist as landsman in the Navy (to work as barbers, waiters &c) wages $14.00 per month and board.|

|O.L.S.D.C. 5/13” ‘67 4 P.M.|Harris C.C. Emp Agt. EB 1 Vol 328 O.L.S. No. 785 Ret'd for cand’n 6/11" 1867.| Washington D.C. May 13” 1867. 
Requests transportation for himself from Washington D.C. to East Bloomfield NY for the purpose of conducting a party of freed people to homes provided for them.
R.P. 5/21' 1867. App'd & Forw'd.|