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[[three columned table]]

|When Received|Name and Rank of Writer|Date and Purport of Communication|

|Sept 14" 1867 O.L.S.D.C.| Thompson TB. No 1116.|Millerstown Peny. Cv. Pa. August 9th 1867. Wishes to obtain a colored girl about 9 or 10 years of age to raise. D.R.D.|

|Sept 14" 1867 O.L.S.D.C.|Griffing J.S. Agent &c EB 2 Vol 94 O.L.S.D.C. No 1117|Washington D.C. Sept 13" 1867. States that one of the three orphans children whose mother desired her to see that they went to school is with a colored woman, who is unwilling she should go with her two younger sisters to the "Home" in New York. that the ambulence did not come to go after the two children in chat Co. Md asks that be sent early tomorrow.|

|Sept 16th 1867 O.L.S.D.C.|Paramor Robert (col) 34 Winta St. No 1118.|Providence R.I. Sept 10" 1867. States that J.H Batson of Good Hope Hill. Washington has $25. belonging to him (Paramor). Wishes it collected and sent on to him as soon as possible.|


[[three columned table]]

|When Received|Name and Rank of Writer|Date and Purport of Communication|

|Sept 17" 1867 O.L.S.D.C.|Alfred B.C. E.B. 2" Vol 95 O.L.S.D.C. No 1119.|Fairfax Vt. Sept 13th 1867. Requests that a colored house servant may be sent him by Oct 10th|

|Sept 16" 1867 O.L.S.D.C.|Howard C.H. Bt Brig Genl. A.C. Filed No. 1120|Washington D.C. Sept 16th 1867. States that Richard Stevenson (col'd) who lost a leg in the U.S. service is out of employment. & wishes the place of driver. Direct that measures be taken to provide him with same.|

|Sept 18" 1867 O.L.S.D.C.|Griffing J.E. Agent EB 2" Vol 96. O.L.S.D.C. No. 1121|Washington D.C. Sept 18" 1867. Requests transportation for J.S. Griffing Ag't from this City to Hartford Conn. & return in change of a member of children for "Brooklyn Home" and freedpeople for N.Y. City & Hartford Conn. D.O.R. 9/21" 1867.|